I'm Cynthia Wallace. I serve as a Vice President with over 25 years in the financial services industry. My expertise includes federal regulatory compliance and risk management. As your Democratic nominee for NC District 9, I'm running to make sure you have responsive representation in Congress on the issues most important to you.
I've served as chair of the 9th Congressional District of the NC Democratic Party since January 2017. My congressional district includes Southeast Mecklenburg County, Union County, Anson County, Richmond County, Robeson County Scotland County, Hoke County and southern Moore County. With the 9th District executive committee, we implemented, with great success, an 8-county strategy embracing 5 pillars - GOTV, fundraising, communications & marketing, social media, and training. In 2018/2019, our team helped to close the Congressional margin to 905 votes in 2018 and within two percent against a well funded opponent.
Under my leadership, the 9th Congressional District Executive Committee expanded all 8 county committees’ political and social media presence. The team supported the run of a democratic candidate in every NC House & Senate Race in the 9th District in 2018, flipping one (1) NC Senate seat and three (3) NC House seats. Being born and raised in a small rural county in GA, I fervently embrace rural, small town America, traveling on 2 rural county listening tours with North Carolina’s Democratic State Chair in 2018 and 2019.
Under my leadership, the 9th Congressional District Executive Committee expanded all 8 county committees’ political and social media presence. The team supported the run of a democratic candidate in every NC House & Senate Race in the 9th District in 2018, flipping one (1) NC Senate seat and three (3) NC House seats. Being born and raised in a small rural county in GA, I fervently embrace rural, small town America, traveling on 2 rural county listening tours with North Carolina’s Democratic State Chair in 2018 and 2019.
Stay up to date on the latest about the Coronavirus and COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the NC Department of Health and Human Services. (NCDHHS) |